Category Archives: Exercise

Why our willpower fails us

We typically think of willpower as the inner strength that we use to resist temptation. We use it to choose the apple instead of the cookie. Or the salad instead of the french fries. Willpower is used as the foundation for many diet programs and without it we falter and fail. We tell ourselves that […]

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Are All Steps Created Equal?

We are underway at the office with our second exercise challenge. Each of us has set a personal weekly fitness goal, tracking our progress with stars on a chart—quite basic but effective.

Initially, my goal was some combination of 10,000 steps, a 90-minute yoga class or a 60-minute gym session 5 days a week. To help motivate me and based on the recommendation of a patient, I got myself a pedometer call the FitBit ( It helps me track my steps, physical activity and if desired, calories, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar and sleep. It is simple, easy to use, relatively inexpensive and highly recommended.

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